1、 免維護電池: 采用獨特的氣體再化合技術(GAS RECOMBINATION)技術。不必定期補液維護。減少用戶使用的后顧之憂 2、 安全可靠性高: 采用自動開啟、關閉的安全網(VRLA),防止外部氣體被吸入蓄電池內部而保護蓄電池性能,同時可防止因充電等產生的氣體而造成內壓異常是蓄電池遭到破壞。全密閉電池在正常浮充情況下不會有電解液及酸霧排出,對人體無害。 3、 使用壽命長: 在20°C環境下,FM系列電池浮充壽命可達3-5年,FML系列電池浮充壽命可達5-8年,GFM系列電池浮充壽命可達10-15年。 4、 安裝使用方便: 全新的頂部和側位連接方式,方便用戶以各種方式連接電池,極大的減少安裝的工作量和危險性 5、 自放電率低: 采用優質的鉛鈣多元合金,降低了蓄電池的自放電率,在20°C的環境溫度下,Kstar蓄電池在6個月內不必補充電即可使用。提高電池的使用效率
6、 適應環境能力強: 可在-20°C--+50°C的環境溫度下均使用,適用于沙漠、高原性氣候。可用于防暴區的特殊電源 7、 放置隨意性強: 特別隔膜(AGM)牢固吸附電解液使之不流動。電池無論立放或臥放均不會泄露,保證了正常使用。 8、 綠色無污染:蓄電池房不需要有耐酸防腐措施,可與電子儀器設備同置一室。
Floating current lowest (only other VRLA batteries 1/6) the battery service life can reach up to long
Multiple charges also keep the lowest hydrogen conversion - which can be installed in any region - reducing battery drying - extending battery life
Minimum resistance, suitable for high rate discharge of ups and switching equipment
Excellent continuous discharge characteristics, most suitable for telecommunications equipment
Normal applications do not require the same charge
Quality raw materials
For ultra low floating charge current and the design of high-quality micropore type glass fiber separator -- reduce corrosion grid, prolonging the service life of the battery
Patented lead - calcium alloy grid designs minimize corrosion and growth of the positive plate - extending battery life
High quality thermoplastic battery housing - more shell than other materials, safer and better quality. Combustion coefficient UL-94:5VB. (Note: 5VB refers to the 5 test and the result is V0)
Advanced production process
The minimum difference into advanced technology of floating charge voltage of the battery, do not need in the field of floating charge voltage of the battery was adjusted.
The strict control of the production process ensures the consistency of the battery plate and the long-term use of the battery.
- 地址:北京市昌平區回龍觀鎮西大街85號2層219
- 郵編:100000
- 電話:13716151989
- 經理:王經理
- 手機:13716151989
- 微信:13716151989
- QQ:1428249384
- Email:1428249384@qq.com
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